Scrum, XP, Lean and DSDM Atern are Agile frameworks for executing complex projects and innovative scope of work. You can bring your project and try to apply agile concepts (as case study) at our workshop.
Agile Workshops and Training
Experts say 64% of your investments on Products developed are rarely used. Agile frameworks will help to overcome common pitfalls of Product development. Agile frameworks provides multiple meaningful opportunities to communicate with customers and improves Return on Investment of business by aligning all energies on different types of customers
Many companies are attempting a radical and often rapid shift from hierarchical structures to more agile environments, in order to operate at the speed required by today’s competitive marketplace. Embracing Agile improves Success rate of innovation. Our Agile Training & workshops high lights challenges and best practices.
Recent studies says only 35% of projects across the world, are successful. Applying Agile principles will significantly reduce the failure rate and improves customer satisfaction.
Applying Agile practices in IT Service Management Framework will result in Improved Enterprise IT Services, Seamless Service Processes, Customized / Tailored Solutions
Scrum is the most practised Agile framework that helps to prioritize larger initiatives/lists into manageable tasks with improved ownership among teams, transparent communication among stakeholders, and produce better results.
Kanban is lean tool to optimise idle time in Production. Kan means ‘visual” and ban means ‘card’. Kanban is simple and easy to use visual tool than ensures flow of work and highlights constraints/blocks.
Key takeaways of agile training & workshops
Case Studies
Takes your project case studies while explaining Agile Concepts
Exam Certification orientation
Session focusing 60% time on practical challenges and 40% time on exam orientation. Trainer has deep knowledge on topics and has trained over 200+ sessions in Agile.
Activity based Learning
Conduct group activities, games, simulations that help applying the knowledge
Discuss challenges
Encourage participants to share their project challenges and discusses them
Stories from Successful / failure projects
Trainer experiences will be shared for both successful and failure projects. Learning from failure projects will be discussed.
Using general life examples
Explain concepts in simple and understanding way by taking general examples. Participants can train teams internally with the learning
A day doesn’t pass without hearing word “Agile” at least once.
Surprisingly Agile is most misunderstood and expected to do miracles.
Agile is not Unicorn that changes your entire company and lands you on moon using Time Machine.
Agile is a mindset or a different way of doing things. Agile provides the flexibility of starting with what we know and what we have. Agile helps in producing results by bringing people together.
Agile can be applied at an initiative level/special purpose as well as the organizational level.
– Initiative level/Special Purpose
. Launch a Product
. Develop software
. Start a Business
. Start a Branch
– Organization level
. Human Resources
. Marketing
. Sales
. Production
. Delivery
. Finance
. Customer Care
. Innovation
. Research & Development
. Learning & Development
To understand ever-changing customer needs and provide them as early as possible.
No, Agile practices such as Lean exist from the 1990s.
Scrum, Lean, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban, DSDM (Atern), Crystal are few Agile practices or Agile frameworks.
Though there are different Agile Practices/Agile frameworks, all of them are based on 4 Agile Manifesto & 12 Agile Principles. We can do a quick assessment and recommend suitable agile framework/agile practice.
Few benefits of agile are Happy customers, More Business, Empowered teams, Faster decision making, Improved quality, Flexibility to change (as per market needs in VUCA world), Freedom to Innovate
All types of organizations are practising agile. To name few, Agile is used by Startups such as Uber, Airbnb, and Corporate such as Ford, IBM, Microsoft, Tesla
Agile practices are used in most of the industries. Few are automotive, software, banking, healthcare, real estate.
Agile is simple and easy to understand. However, many organizations face challenges in adopting agile. We recommend conducting a preliminary assessment of Organisational Agile maturity for better results.
The majority of Agile initiatives failed due to resistance, lack of cooperation among different departments, minimum/no involvement of Senior Management. Everyone across the organization should have a basic understanding of Agile principles. We recommend starting the training in the below sequence.
– C Suite with Senior Management/Department heads
– Training to Departments & Support Functions
– Training to Teams
This approach ensures everyone is aware of Agile principles and drive Agile transformation together
LeaderGains can make your Agile journey smoother through training, consulting, and coaching.
LeaderGains successfully transformed different types of organisations on Agile. Our LeaderGains Agile Journey