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Break these 3 habits and Unleash true Potential of your Organization in Digital Age 1.Learning through Printed Media only: Continuous Learning is vital for professional and personal success. Latest information related to your industry is published online through Articles, Blogs and Videos. Printed Books are published later after concepts become matured as practices or standards. […]
Key skills for Trajectory of Growth for next Two decades Failure vs Success: Individuals and Organisations emphasize on consistent success and built systems and processes encouraging success and discourage failure. Constant improvements to their products and services using latest technology is vital for survival. Innovation mindset across the organisation can make this a reality. Organisations […]
Empower your Teams on importance of Risk Management. This is vital for Project Success. Let teams manage risks with grace. Brainstorming on PESTLE analysis (P for Political, E for Economic, S for Social, T for Technological, L for Legal and E for Environmental) helps everyone to understand factors to watch that are beyond Project environment […]
During Industrial era, Hierarchical Organizational Structures were introduced to manage growth and bring accountability. Processes are introduced to standardize operations and ensure predictable outcomes/results. These worked well across all the industries irrespective of their size and location. In today’s Digital Era, Younger Generation Work force strongly feels these hierarchies are bottle necks and hurdles for […]
Satisfied Customers are vital for growth. Frequent changes in market conditions due to new technology impact existing business. Technology is a double-edged sword. Embracing Technology can position your organization as Market Leader. Ignoring Technology (for longer time) could erode existing business/product lines. C Suite executives define Strategy and set road map for future. Successful […]
All of us have 24 hours of time in a day. Majority of our time is spent for our profession/business. Few lucky save some time to spend with family/friends and hobbies. With 30 minutes (Professional Growth): Students can learn extra skills that improves employability Young professionals can think of new ideas/innovations, etc. Senior Professionals can […]
Customers do not specify quality as their need, however if they see low quality, they simply discard your products/services. Few customers might also express their dissatisfaction in social media. This will impact business (in short term) and brand value (long term). Consistent Customer Delight through Control Charts – Webinar by Sivaram Athmakuri: Organisations across the world […]
Organisations with growth mindset are investing on latest technologies such as Cloud Computing, Block Chain, Internet of Things (IOT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Transformation, Big Data etc. If your investment in these technologies are to improve customer satisfaction or increase profits or optimise costs or increase customer base through new products or new projects, before starting your investment, define existing and to be processes/systems through 1. Swim lane Diagram Swim […]